KangaTraining with Carrie! The best workout for you & your baby!

Meet Carrie our Kangatraining specialist!

“Hello, I’m Carrie, mum of two girls. 

I found Kangatraining when pregnant with my first baby and could not believe there was no trainer close by so decided to become a trainer myself. 

Before Kangatraining I was teaching pre and post natal pilates.  I always found it was almost impossible for mums to really focus on their workout with their baby on a mat beside them.  They would usually spend the class settling, feeding or chasing them around the room. 

Kangatraining allows you to focus on the exercises while your baby sleeps in the carrier, close to you. It’s a great way to return to exercise safely after birth, it’s low impact and postnatal safe with a big focus on babywearing safety.”

Follow Carrie on Instagram here for constant updates!

What are the benefits of KangaTraining?

  • no need for a babysitter
  • total body workout
  • promotes mother and baby bonding
  • positive outcomes for postnatal depression
  • social, meeting other like-minded mothers
  • relaxed and fun environment 
  • creates a support structure 
  • promotes healthy mind and body
  • promotes safe and healthy baby wearing 

Get all the info, fill out your pre course health examination and sign up for the next 5 weeks of fun!

Contact Carrie here:

Mobile: 0402369545

Email: Kangawithcarrie@yahoo.com

When can I start?


When are the classes?


Where are the classes held?


What type of carrier do I need to participate?

You can begin classes once you have been given the all clear for exercise by your health professional. Usually around 6 weeks postpartum for a vaginal delivery and at least 12 weeks postpartum if you’ve had a c-section.  

Wednesdays from 10-11am. Following the school terms. Our next block of classes starts on the 3rd of May and goes for 5 weeks.

Onyx Gymnastics studios! Find more on our location here.


  • All carriers must meet T.I.C.K.S. (Tight, In sight, Close enough to kiss, Keep chin off chest and Supported back) guidelines for safe babywearing and must support the baby’s natural sitting position (M-position – hip to knee).
  • Babies must be worn facing you in the carrier, placed either on your front or on your back.
  • Several different types of carriers are suitable for Kanga, including Manduca, Ergobaby, Boba, Beco, Tula, Ankalia, Kinderpak & Mei Tai.
  • Carriers such as ring slings, stretchy wraps (e.g. hug-a-bub), carriers with little head support (e.g. mothers choice, Baby Bjorn), narrow based carriers (e.g. Baby Bjorn/Safe n Sound) & outward facing carriers are unfortunately not suitable for Kangatraining and cannot be worn during class
  • Carrie is expertly trained in the best babywearing practices so can help you assess whether or not your carrier is suitable for a Kanga class.  And if not she has hire carriers availabe.